Market reports

The Worldwide 3D printing market for orthopaedics 2021-2026 and TOP 80 player profiles - 01/2023

Focus area:
3D printing for orthopedics

Publication date:
January 2023

This report contains 130+ pages and more than 250+ diagrams detailing worldwide 3D printing market for orthopaedics 2021-2026.
The profiles of the Top 80 main players are detailed in the form of fact sheets: company history in 3D printing for orthopedics, number of 3D printing machines installed for each brand, major products manufactured, major customers, partners and acquisitions, revenues and revenue breakdowns in 3D printing.

Players are segmented by:
• Orthopedic companies active in 3D printing
• CMO leaders in 3D printing
• CMOs operating in 3D printing
• 3D printing machine suppliers.

The advantage of this report:
For contracts manufacturers:
• Is 3D printing the right option for the implant Contract Manufacturing business?
• Identify orthopedic company clients and their New Product Introduction
For orthopedic companies:
• Seize the dynamics of 3D printing
• Find the best performing contract manufacturers
For all:
• Which technology/equipment supplier will be dominant?
• Find the dynamic companies to invest in.

Price*: € 4,100 excluding VAT
Edition: 2nd edition
1st edition: 2018
Published: Annually
Download the brochure:
Code: AM-02-2023
Language: English
Number of pages: 130+
Available formats: PDF & paper
Table of

(* Single user license)


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